Art of War in Nutshell!!
Art of War in Nutshell !! “To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not a the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.” Everyone of us demands for the peace and today we are far away from the huge wars but we still need the tactics to survive our daily life easily. Laying Plans. “A foolish with plan is much dangerous then a man with intelligence” by the way you have to be intelligent to lay a plan but you should understand the importance of planning. To plan good you have to be a open enough to think a number of possibilities and your plan should be flexible too because nothing ever goes exactly as you planned so according to circumstances you have to modify your plan too. Planning your day or even a month is a good habit too you always should plan your way to achieve your goal. Waging War. In waging a war you must have your men with you to follow your ambitions whom you can lead to the victory. In a long come victory usu...